Whacked Out Wednesday – Buyers are Liars!

#WhackedOutWednesday – Buyer’s are Liars!! Yep I said it! It’s whacked out but the truth.  And the biggest part of the lending equation that LO’s need to check up on.  I teach and preach best practices for lending in the mortgage industry.  My goal is to help you get to the closing table.  So when your taking an application and inputting what the Liar says, you have to remember to go back and validate everything.  This is what underwriting does anyhow.  So might as well prevent issues in underwriting yourself.  This means everything in my book.  You need to look at the bank statement balances and deposits, you need to analyze the pay stub for deductions, you need to calculate the income yourself, you need to read the title report, inspection and appraisal.

While some of this is mortgage 101, the fact remains many just take an app, gain the supporting docs and shove it in the file without ever reading it.  Remember buyer’s are liars! ↓

I have this group of badass originators that collectively help each other, and many different posts on tools and discussions on marketing occur.  Feel free to join Sales Talk with Mortgage Pros group on Facebook today! My goal really is to provide as much value as I can to the everyday originators in the trenches making it happen.

I do this various ways and my main gig is helping #MortgageBrokers close more loans.  I do this on a wholesale sales level with an awesome wholesale niche lender to offer more options for your clients.  Don’t get stuck with loans you can’t close! #GetOnPoint with #BluePointMtg today.  Partnering with Mortgage Broker’s across the country everyday to make an impact in pipelines.  GET SIGNED UP HERE!

As I always say –



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