Two for Tuesday -Push or Pull, Organic and Paid, Online and Off!

#TwoforTuesday – Push or Pull, Organic and Paid, Online and Off! It’s #LeadWeek – And we go over several things in today’s post about what you need to be doing.  Online and offline, you need to be “showing up” on a personal level and for business.  That means on your personal profile, and your business page.  That means you need to meet realtors and attend closings.  Just get involved and do it! If you have a social media profile and you don’t even post what you do you’re missing the boat. 🙂

Online and off, you need to push and pull your messages.  Maybe you promote another person’s community event and show up and help.  Maybe you share a listing a RE Agent has you network with.  Maybe you post up a flyer at an apartment complex, maybe you give Facebook some money and boost a post or run an ad.  Bottom line is you need to be well balanced and not just do one or the other.  Organic and paid actions work well together, and formulate a “branding strategy” that helps your money go further.  The more you post on a community page or business page, the higher you can get the “relevancy” score, which in turn can help you gain more reach with paid ads.

Online and off, audiences are everywhere.  You have to learn to take advantage of appealing to them, and learn the subtle art of selling.  My advice is follow your #Passions.  Whatever that may be.  Groups online are everywhere, are you in them?  Are you giving them value and providing solutions?  A great way to gain eye balls is to PUSH your message into groups that are relevant to the subject you are posting about.  You can tie owning a home into almost everything someway shape or form.  You can also PULL your message or others by tagging people or checking in at places.  Eye’s are everywhere, its just how you produce your message that can gain an interest to the right person at the right time.

So today, here’s a tool that helps you be able to utilize both organic PUSH and PULL and paid action to gain a ton of eyeballs on any Realtors listing(s).  Many of the tools out there can be used both organically and paid, just many don’t realize how to make their message “go viral”.  It’s simple really, you need to push and pull.  There’s only two things that happen to messages.  Take advantage of these principals and grow your pipeline.


LISTING BOOSTER – A tool far under utilized

Want more leads? – Keep watching this week we continue to go over the anatomy of marketing and building campaigns.

As Always – If you gain leads and have questions about loans, guidelines, structure etc, let’s chat.  #GetOnPoint with #BluePointMtg – CLICK HERE– I’ll personally help you close a loan and get paid! 


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