Weekend Call 2 Action – Move your feet!

#WeekendCall2Action – Move your feet!  You have to get out there and do some old fashion guerrilla marketing.  Stop by some open houses, go to a Realtor meet and greet or mixer in the evening tonight.  Something to get your name out there is what you need to be doing NOW.

Yeah, I am an advocate of online marketing, however, it pays to get your name, and FACE out there a little.  You can’t just hide behind the CPU.  Now’s the time to show up at events, at mixers, at open houses, put up flyers, do something.  Where you need to “move your feet”.  The more you do this now, the more it will pay later.

The game of “Branding” includes a lot of various things, some face to face, some with written ad copy.  I suggest you move your feet a little and get out there this weekend.  If you want some ideas let me know.  Here’s a list of 50 things you can do to source new business this weekend.  Weekend Call to Action – 50 Ways to Generate Business!

In the mean time, if you’re a #MortgageBroker, I’d love to help you get $$ PAID on a loan or two this year.  #LetsDoBusiness – CLICK HERE to #GetOnPoint with #BluePointMtg

As Always –


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