Monday’s Motivation – JUICY-List Week! Let’s get virtual!

#MondaysMotivation – It’s the #JUICYList this week! Let’s start by getting virtual! These are tools, systems, trainings, software and must have’s to help LO’s (and RE Agents) gain more business!  Today we start the week with the basics!  The necessary tools you need to have an online presence.  To start you need a website, then you need some sort of online application to be perceived by consumers as a valid mortgage player.  Consumers do look at your online tools, a good website, or virtual application (or both) can be a deciding factor to move forward with YOU! ↓

Join Us In Creating Yes’s for your pipeline, and get virtual already.  If you do not have a website, I’d highly suggest you get one from Lender Home Page!  Once you have a license to originate one of the most important things to have is an online application that helps you take 1003’s!  (Mortgage Apps is the name of the game anyhow) 🙂  Might as well have the ability to take 1003’s in multiple languages, even run DU or verify day 1 certainty with your application.  PreApp1003 and Perfect LO are the two I endorse to get the job done.  While similar in function, both are unique and different.  And both are evolving with times and technology is only getting better.  Which one? Well take your pick, I suggest you compare and contrast the two and decide for yourself.  They are on the JUICY-List for a reason, they both help you create Yes’s for your pipeline.

My big thing is helping people, weather it’s businesses, individual LO’s or the consumer themselves.  I encourage you to take advantage of the items on the JUICY List this week and take action to increase your own business!

As Always –


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