Wonderful Wednesday – Special RE Edition!

#WonderfulWednesday – SUCCESS PROFILES – Special Real Estate Edition today! – Wow, what an honor to have contributed in this 1st Annual RE Edition of Success Profiles Magazine!  Today I highlight the various articles and wonderful people that contributed.  Talk about a power house issue of Success Profiles!

From the 5 steps to doing your first RE deal with no money, to identifying a great Real Estate deal, making passive income from muli-family homes to becoming a bank note investor! There’s articles on getting a mortgage loan to qualifying after a divorce, to weather HGTV is good for the Real Estate Market!  Check out the video for more ↓

BROKERS ARE BACK – And there is a big #Togetherness theme going on in all aspects of finance, insurance, divorce, Real Estate, investing, and even wholesaling going on.  2019 is definitely going to be the year of the #MortgageBroker!

Get your copy of the Success Profiles Magazine special Real Estate edition today!

This issue is above and beyond the normal subscription, so if you are not subscribed, you can access this issue only for free at www.successprofilesmagazine.com

When you see the pop-up, or go to exit the tab, click on that pop-up to register for *Free, set up your login, and enjoy the issue!

As always – #GetOnPoint with #BluePointMtg a wholesale lender here to help you with #niches to close more loans.  CLICK HERE to sign up and start working with the JUICEman! (Join Us In Creating Excitement)!



Two for Tuesday -BP and Marketing

#TwoforTuesday – I have a proposal today for any broker in FL/GA/SC that’s interested in gaining some new business in the next 7 days.  I will do this free for anyone that signs up or is already signed up and licensed in these states.  The reality is this a great way to #Segment and to make impact to your local community.  It’s simple, and it’s easy to do to market to a specific Geographic area on Facebook.

Sign up with BluePoint Mortgage this week and I’ll make a free tool for you to use, and then show you how to use it.  Yes, you read that right.  I’m talking about Facebook funnels or lead capture aimed with a campaign to help your local community that may have been impacted by recent natural disasters.  Hurricane Michael.  ↓

I have a funnel for this called MarketME – Here check it out -> CLICK HERE

If you’re interested in getting approved CLICK HERE

Better yet, if you’re interested in gaining your own version of this tool to make any and all types of campaigns –> CLICK HERE – I’ll even show you how to make ads and use the tool.

As always –


Mondays Motivation – Mortgage Translation

#MondaysMotivation – Mortgage Translation by Fannie Mae is finally here.  A decade late and a dollar short, but at least it’s here.  Funny thing is you can be taking 1003’s in a wide array of languages with the PerfectLO application.  But now Fannie Mae has stepped up and is making a website for Mortgage Translation – They have a spanish version of the 1003 listed now.  More to come in the next 24 months.

Some Monday Motivation on getting creative to get loans done, did you know there’s a restriction to how many non-occupant co-borrower FHA loans someone can do?  Also Freddie Mac has the 85% LTV CASH OUT loan back.  Find out more in today’s episode! ↓

For access to tools to help you get creative check the files tab in Sales Talk with Mortgage Pro’s today! In talking about motivation and getting “creative”, JUMBO loans is where it’s at to do that.   Most Non-Agency/Alt-QM loans are just that, a JUMBO loan that goes down to minimum of like 100k or so.  Rarely do you see these go less than that.  I was taking a peak at some guidelines and noticed we have 95% LTV available up to 1.5 MILLION dollar loan amounts!  #GetOnPoint with #BluePointMtg this week.  Partnering with more #MortgageBrokers that are looking for a great #NicheLender! CLICK HERE!

As Always –


Weekend Call to Action – Delayed Testimonials!

#WeekendCalltoAction – Delayed testimonials are a great idea to help your RE Partners gain some recognition and you potentially gain more business!  Find out what I mean in today’s CALL TO ACTION video to help you source new loans! #LunchNLearn ↓

You bet, there’s ton’s of ways to structure deals and gain more business, some are just willing to do the work more than others.  I’m in the office helping anyone that wants to, #GetOnPoint with #BluePointMtg and help LO’s close more loans.  It’s our #Niches that makes a difference.  #MIcerts are delegated, and we can even do DACA loans.  Also, #DelayedFinancingException of course based on the video suggestion.  Have a great day selling, if needed – CLICK HERE to gain more options for your pipeline.  We’d love to work with you!

PS – Did I mention Free APPRAISALS for your clients on all deals over 300k?  (excludes Reverse loans – yep we do those too) 🙂

As Always –


Whacked Out Wednesday – Manual underwriting versus AUS findings!

#WhackedOutWednesday – The good stuff, on what “NOT” to do so you know.  I reiterate best practices typically in the Whacked Out Wednesday videos that I do.  Today is no exception we will go over the difference between a manual underwrite and AUS underwriting.

You see doing more and more Bank statement and Non-Agency loans now, I can tell you I see it first hand.  Some LO’s do not realize how good they have it on AUS findings from GUS, to LP to DU!  Automated Underwriting Systems make is super easy to do loans now days and all you really need to do is make sure your 1003 is right.  Wait, that sounds familiar.  So garbage in and garbage out right! Well on a Manual underwrite you need to do the same.  And you must scrutinize information a little more on your own.  You can’t just throw information around like you do on an AUS loan.  You have to read and compare.  That’s what the underwriter does.  And it must make sense.  Read the supporting docs information, compare it to the 1003 and does it make sense?!

Sounds like a best practice for all loans! Don’t be whacked out and try to push a loan to closing and then do sloppy work.  IT’S only going to slow your loan down.  The biggest down fall LO’s have is not reading the findings or the information they get as supporting docs and then pushing it into the loan to only have silly requests from underwriting that they should’ve had completed prior to submitting the information.  For example, like a VOE or VOR being filled in completely.  If there’s line to be filled in that are blank once you get it back, make sure you READ the info, and ask for it PRIOR to sending in.  TRUST ME – This best practice will help you close more loans on time.

IF you want help, guidance and the ability to close more #NICHE loans let’s #GetOnPoint together with #BLUEPOINTMTG – All you need to do is CLICK HERE!

I am here to help you grow your business personally for anyone that wants help.  With individual loans, to strategies to help you market and obtain more clients.  I team with my Broker partners any way I can to help them build a business.  From structure of loans, to helping processors submit, to LO’s know guidelines to Broker’s recruiting more LO’s.  My goal is grow my business partners business, and in the process do business! What are you waiting for, get a higher level AE to help you —CLICK HERE!

As Always –



Two for Tuesday -Combining a 1st & 2nd

#TwoforTuesday – Commonly asked questions today for guidelines! FHA collection rule and the rules for combining a 1st and 2nd mortgage.  FHA & Non-agency work vary similar in regards to their guidelines.  Whereas conventional, there is always a catch 22.  Check it out in today’s Two for Tuesday guideline video! ↓

Right now more and more Mortgage Broker’s are looking for structure to save the day.  And structuring loans takes experience and skill.  I ♥ doing it personally and will be in the office all day helping Broker’s do just that.  #Structureloans to #GetOnPoint with #BluePointMtg.  CLICK HERE TO DO THE SAME!

As Always –

Email me, text me, call me, DM me or better yet Text Juiceman to 33655!


Mondays Motivation – Fannie Mae Updates!

#MondaysMotivation – Fannie Mae updates and doing BIG things!  I ♥ doing big things, like 5 million dollar loan amounts, or 90% LTV with a 680 FICO at 2.5 Million with DTI at 50%!  You bet, I love big apps and I can not lie! The #JUMBO arena is a great niche to work for sure, you should too, #GetOnPoint with #BluePointMtg! CLICK HERE!

Fannie Mae slipped in some updates on Oct 2nd you should know, they also clarified and made it easier to determine what is needed for third party processors.  Check it out below ↓

Short and sweet today, make today SO AWESOME that yesterday becomes jealous!  I do enjoy helping anyone that wants help to grow their pipeline.  If you have a JUMBO loan you’re looking for a home for, reach out this week.  Let’s structure a loan together!


As Always –


Weekend Call to Action – Are you Advising?

#WeekendCalltoAction – Are you advising your clients? Or just taking orders and filling in the blanks on the 1003?  There is an “art” to taking a 1003 in the mortgage world.  And someone whom does it correctly should be gaining the like, bond and trust with a client in the process of completing it.  It’s CUT-THROAT out there right now, are you just selling rate?  Or are you “custom tailoring” a financial solution for someone in the process of advising them?

Are you taking a consultative approach to the way you take a 1003?  The whole “digging deep” aspect and finding out the “why” for each client and helping them use a mortgage as a vehicle to reach their goals.  A home is a wealth generation machine, Real Estate has always been a great and safe tool to build wealth.  From yesterdays’ stock market sell off, you can see how volatile the markets can be.  Jeff Bezo’s lost 9 billion yesterday.  Think about that.   Are you helping clients use a mortgage to make bad debt be leveraged by good debt (debt consolidation)?   Maybe showing a client how to take some equity and buy their first investment property?

This is the difference maker now, you are either becoming an adviser to be the “newest addition to someone’s financial team” or your going to sink.

Today, I suggest this art of taking a 1003, because that’s the heart of the transaction.  And not only does the 1003 need to be FILLED OUT CORRECTLY, you should be digging deep in the process.  If you do that you will find out clients motives, and be able to bring emotion to the table.  Be consultative in nature, and ask questions like – What’s your goal in the 5 years, 10 years and beyond?  Did you plan for the kids college yet?  Are you looking to save money or pay your house off sooner?

There’s many examples I could give here, but the best is actually acting like the title you have – Mortgage Advisor / Mortgage Expert!  Are you just a LO, or are you creatively thinking of ways to help someone use equity to build wealth?

#WeekendCalltoAction – Inside the group Sales Talk with Mortgage Pro’s I have several things inside the files tab.  Go check it out, print the scripts I used to use for purchases or refi’s and they may help you dig deep.

As Always –


Hope you liked the new openner 🙂


Two for Tuesday – Products and Marketing!

#TwoforTuesday – Products & Marketing go hand in hand, are you aligning yourself to be able to segment?  Today I have some great news, so many new product niches are on the table to help Mortgage Broker’s #GetonPoint!  Recently, Freddie Mac has announced they are offering a select portfolio of lenders a 85% Cash-Out Conventional loan again! @BluePointMtg we also rolled out with ITIN loans, DACA loans, Non-Warrantable Condo’s, and various bank statement loan options.  WOW and to top it all off, BluePointMtg is offering FREE APPRAISALS for all loans over 300k from now till the end of the year!!  These are all great segmenting and marketing angles that any Broker partner we partner with can use to grow their pipeline!

Speaking of Marketing, these products become a gateway to help campaigns come to life.  If your slow, or do not have these products in your mix, I personally want to welcome anyone that wants it, a FREE strategy session to create campaigns for your geographical area to grow your business.  If you’re a Mortgage Broker, I encourage you to align yourself with niche products in your lending arsenal that can compliment marketing plans in 2019.  We close loans that’s the point, get on point with BluePointMtg in the last quarter of 2018.

Such exciting times right now within the industry of wholesale mortgages, at BluePointMtg we’re expanding partnerships, products, and people! If you know of a great AE whom you’d recommend to help our expansion, send me a message!

As Always –


Weekend Call to Action – Notifications!

#WeekendCalltoAction – Notifications are leads people! When talking with a LO yesterday I was commending on how they are growing their own local presence online and wondering how many deals they’ve gotten from it.  They responded to let me know they see all the love, but don’t have any new apps.  Then I asked them, are you calling those that like your page?  Are you going through the engaging posts and taking a look at whom is engaging to message them?  The LO’s response was alarming, nope – I didn’t realize I was supposed to do that they said.

Look if you’re online and your “doing it right” you will gain likes, followers, and engagements.  Each one is a LEAD!  If you treat it that way, you will find gold in them from direct hits to referrals.  Heck if you do anything business related today, online or off, I encourage you to ask these simple words – Who do you know who – would like your services.

The GOLD is what you make of those that follow, like or engage with you.  YOU actually have to do work, applications won’t just pop up in your inbox.  (At least at first) You have to work for them.  So use every resource you have.  A page like = message that person, and ask them about their situation and if you can help.  Worst case, you ask for referrals.

I ♥ helping LO’s grow their business and strategize with many all the time.  I use my products to help those segment with campaigns to market in their local areas.  Why not #GetOnPoint with #BLUEPOINTMTG yourself!! – CLICK HERE!