
Tuesdays Truths -I want a challenge!

#TuesdaysTruths – I want a challenge, and have already started my journey to do just that.  Many of my followers & fans have reached out and I appreciate that.  The relationships I’ve developed and the impact I know I’ve had in the wholesale mortgage space will never be “over”.  I just want a challenge right now, and a change to “do” what I’ve been helping others “do” for close to a decade is now in order.

I’ve passed my NMLS test (Again) and am in the process of reactivating sponsorship and going back to my roots of helping consumers again.  And I can’t be more excited for the challenge.  I will be doing my videos, posting guidelines, and documenting my journey more than ever.  In fact, I more than likely will document my success in a short time as I’ve made #BluePrints I will follow myself.  While in the #MortgageIndustry for the last 15+ years, I’ve spent the last 9 in wholesale, and built this persona and reputation for those to come to for guidelines, structure on loans and marketing suggestions.  I’m just going to follow my own advice and do everything I can to dominate my local market place.  (and State) 🙂

I know I’m going to #KillIt and have fun while doing it, and as I grow and adapt my own B2B business to be B2C again, I hope you continue to follow and join me in my journey.  As of now, you’ll start to see somethings change on the blog from links on the left will be for #Consumers and links on the right will be for #LOs that want tools.  Now more than ever I see the purpose of #TheMortgageJUICEman and encourage you to JOIN US IN CREATING EXCITEMENT for our industry.  The mortgage profession is my calling and how I serve it will not change, just expanding in options for helping others.

I appreciate all the phone calls and those that “haven’t” heard from me in the past few weeks and followed up.  It’s a great feeling to get feedback that I was the best rep, or the more knowledgeable about guidelines when loans get stuck.  My line will always be open for my network, and I will continue to grow it.  I just need a new challenge now, and going back to originating and helping consumers directly will be my newest goals.  I will continue to share great content for all in the industry, including RE Agents and other pillar partners.  I think this challenge will only make my content more helpful for all.

For now – As Always –


Mondays Motivation – Back at it!

#MotivationalMonday – Who’s ready to rock for the week?  No seriously do you have a plan of attack?  Did you plan out who to call, or when to reach out to someone?  Did you schedule a reminder for a meeting, or make a to do list?  Sunday is a great day to “organize yourself” in sales.  If you are doing something to this affect you’re doing it right.


But when it comes down to the “act” of implementing it’s the “ion” that makes a difference.  ACTION or “taking action” is the reflection of your attitude and effort working together.  The outcome is a direct result of your preparation and your attempt.  Because someone can “go thru the motions” of taking action, but have a bad attitude when doing it and be less constructive.

My point, it’s preparation that sets up success.  Then it’s the attitude and effort combined that makes the action come to life.  It also helps when your mental state influences positive responses.  (referred to attitude).  But all in all, there is a way to manifest your yes for the day – you have to be see it before it happens.  Or believe it will happen as you take action.  This attitude is the secret to many great action takers, they envisioned their success before it happened.  Are you doing the same?

This week I come back with video’s (Thursday I’m thinking) and will add a blog a day.  I have some great guidelines and more info for those seeking business.  Oh, I did yet another campaign in FL just yesterday and already gained 10 leads all organically.  I’ll post results as the week go.  For now, see it before it happens, and take massive action!


You can too, be creating campaigns to help you source more business! Do it with #TheBluePrint training that shows you to how start branding and leveraging social media.  CLICK HERE for more info!

Wonderful Wednesday – Special RE Edition!

#WonderfulWednesday – SUCCESS PROFILES – Special Real Estate Edition today! – Wow, what an honor to have contributed in this 1st Annual RE Edition of Success Profiles Magazine!  Today I highlight the various articles and wonderful people that contributed.  Talk about a power house issue of Success Profiles!

From the 5 steps to doing your first RE deal with no money, to identifying a great Real Estate deal, making passive income from muli-family homes to becoming a bank note investor! There’s articles on getting a mortgage loan to qualifying after a divorce, to weather HGTV is good for the Real Estate Market!  Check out the video for more ↓

BROKERS ARE BACK – And there is a big #Togetherness theme going on in all aspects of finance, insurance, divorce, Real Estate, investing, and even wholesaling going on.  2019 is definitely going to be the year of the #MortgageBroker!

Get your copy of the Success Profiles Magazine special Real Estate edition today!

This issue is above and beyond the normal subscription, so if you are not subscribed, you can access this issue only for free at

When you see the pop-up, or go to exit the tab, click on that pop-up to register for *Free, set up your login, and enjoy the issue!

As always – #GetOnPoint with #BluePointMtg a wholesale lender here to help you with #niches to close more loans.  CLICK HERE to sign up and start working with the JUICEman! (Join Us In Creating Excitement)!



Whacked Out Wednesday – Throwback Week!


Yet another #Throwback today, #WhackedOutWednesday! – It’s the beginning of #SocialSellingwithShawn almost a year ago.  I’ve done a lot in the last year to create content and help others, the biggest thing I did was take massive action on social to experiment.  Social selling is an art, and for those that use it right develop strong relationships with their clients.  If your an Account Executive or LO or B2B sales, this is all part of the prospecting and selling you should do.

Its whacked out seriously for those that say they are in sales, but make it difficult to get a hold of.  If you’re social selling and don’t have phone numbers in your profile or ways to get a hold of you, change that, you’ve already missed a lead.  I’ve said this ton’s of times.  Another piece of advice is not everyone is on one platform over the other.  Some might be more on LinkedIn and others Facebook or Instagram.  Make sure you look for your prospects and existing clients on social and connect with them.  Interact with them (on the channel they prefer), and provide value on that platform they will see! It’s easier to make a cold call, warm that way without ever talking to them first.

One of the biggest tips I can give you LO’s is use “Pages” inside of your Facebook and Instagram to find “business pages” of partners in your area.  You will find lawyers, doctors, divorce attorneys, builders, RE Agents, you name it.  You just have to search for them, like and interact with them, and then call.  This is a technique I would be using to follow up with leads as well.  (I do) The secrets out ya’ll, if you don’t use Facebook and other social platforms to do your research on someone, you’re missing the boat.



Thankful Thursday – Without a doubt

Key words, #ThankfulThursday and #WithoutaDoubt!  First and foremost, THANK YOU to all my business partners in 2017, and the new one’s to come in 2018! So many great things are happening for those in my network, and I am delighted to help the execution of goals for my partners.  Without a doubt, I will conquer doubling my business in 2018 and I can’t wait.  I will be doing so much more to help explode those that want to be helped!  I am intrigued to unleash the secret sauce in my Blueprint for others!

The key to my success has been consistently expanding my network, and helping others along the way expand their business to be more profitable and gain market share! I have done this through aiming at adding value to my network by helping Banks / Credit Unions / Broker’s and LO’s advertise and achieve their goals.  With the help of others services, I am able to “offer” tools for any business to succeed! From SEO, to Websites, to Virtual Business Cards, to 1003 applications and a resource of knowledge that I keep adding value to those in my network.

It all started again last year this time! I was basically given the short end of the stick on what I thought was an “opportunity of my career”!  While unfortunate, I decided to do what I do best, go back to TPO and help others close loans.  So I started to added value and help other broker’s increase their business by #SocialSelling!  I have a proven track record and I was teaching how to use a Fan page on Facebook to help increase business to those Broker’s in my business! As a result if they got a loan from campaigns we generated, my partners would send me that loan to #myAwesomeTeam to underwrite and help close for them.  This grew super fast, and was at a point I had to stop doing it myself for others and put something together as instructions for others to do the same thing.  Enter my #Blueprint! Once I started to open this up to any LO across the country I was able to help others in many different positions and companies not just my own network of Brokers.  Even helped a few not even in mortgages.

Once a few Broker’s started seeing success in my network, I was asked to provide a #Done4U solution for paid advertising on Facebook, not just organic campaigns.  So in turn I networked with others that I knew where the “pro’s” at doing this.  Turns out, this is where it’s at.  My Blueprint has become a stepping stone to allow someone without an advertising budget to get into paid ads.  And really take off.  I mean double or triple their business with ease!  From my perspective the goal was to impact others and help them close more loans, little did I know it would feed my pipeline in a whole new way! The teams I work with have the best ad copy for home buyer leads hands down, and we can generate leads under 4 dollars a pop across the country!  The “economics geeks” I surrounded myself with are the super pro’s that optimize ads to keep performing month in and month out! Along with my “organic ad campaign” strategy taught in the Blueprint, BOOM – More click through and less cost per click where engaged!

Super excited to offer this magnificent opportunity to anyone looking to double their business in 2018! The power words are just an added value today! I wanted to tell all what I’ve been doing to build a six figure pipeline quickly in 2017, to help others and grow myself.  (I had to start over at the beginning of the year)  My point, is if there’s a will, there’s a way! And in my journey this year I created my own digital product to help others by accident actually!  lol.

To added value today, besides say thank you to those partners and relationships that have flourished in 2017 with me, I wanted to provide POWER WORDS to you LO’s out there!  Here’s a JUICY (Join Us In Creating Yes’s) list of words to use while custom tailoring a financing solution for your clients in 2018;

Replace Cost with the word Investment

Replace Price with the word Amount

Replace Down Payment with the words Initial Investment

Replace Monthly Payment with the words Monthly Amount (or Investment)

Replace Contract with the word Paperwork or Form or Agreement

Replace Buy with the word Own

Replace Sell or Sold with the words Get them Involved

Replace Deal with the word Opportunity or Transaction

Replace Sign here with the words Ok it, or Authorize or Endorse


Just some power words you can use while selling, and if needed use the power words in today’s Featured Image.  If you want a POWER MOVE yourself, I am accepting applications to start the new year off with helping more people to increase their business, fill in Below: #SellWell as you wrap up the year and begin 2018!  I’ll be back next week with videos and full blog in affect!!  #IcantWait




Monday’s Motivation – Holiday Spirit

#MondaysMotivation – Holiday Spirit is among us and lot’s of “teams” are having holiday parties etc.  Take pictures, show them on your social media is my opinion.  A “People post” is one of the 5 types of posts I teach, and this one is golden.  In 2017, I built a pipeline by helping broker’s advertise on social media.  I kept this strictly to those that were in my network upfront, and then mid year monetized this due to the success others where having.  I even partnered with some of the best programs and done for you solutions for paid advertising this year.  For those that want to learn how to do this on their own, or for those that just want someone else to work the ad and they just focus on selling leads.

My Blueprint I made a digital product to help any and all LO’s I can.  If you want to learn organic marketing on a fan page, (which is a pre-req to running paid ads in my opinion) feel free to reach out! I made the BLUEPRINT to be affordable and allow you to WIN within 30 days or less.  To date, the best is someone doubling their fan base inside of a week, and another got 17 free leads in the first week of implementing the blueprint.  Also, In my group Sales Talk with Mortgage Pro’s I aligned this year with more partners that have tools for LO’s.  From virtual business cards, to virtual 1003 applications that help LO’s with questions to fill out the 1003.  I have the best website design for mortgage brokers I networked with and credit repair partners, to condo cheat sheets and even application flow sheets you can use.  It’s full of tools in the file’s tab now.  The JUICY list is growing.  Join Us In Creating Yes’s!!

I feel like I want to help as many that would like to help themselves this week.  This week only, I’m offering 75 dollars off the BLUEPRINT to anyone that wants to start.  Must pay in bitcoin!  🙂  I am going to help more and more people into 2018 with added value on whom to learn from, to what coaching programs to join, and roll out a few more trainings myself.  Join Us In Creating Excitement (JUICE) inside the group with 4000 people in the industry talking and helping others.  (Goal is 10K by end of 18)

The BLUEPRINT teaches you how to #Push and #Pull your page and messages you have to gain leads free.  This organic presence increases your relevancy on facebook and helps be a stepping stone to help others get into paid ads down the “very short” road by doing so.  Why is it so important to have a social media presence in 2018?  Well it’s a way to use social media to increase your pillar partners to gain referrals.  And it’s a prerequesite of running ads, and helping you develop an audience.  This is how LO’s dominate their local market place.  And this is ripe for the taking in almost all areas.  (Trust me there is not enough LO’s doing these things).

Share your stories on social media of helping others, that’s the biggest advice tip I can give you.  Facts tell, stories sell.  Plain and simple.  I hope you have a festive start to your week! #NoVideoToday 🙂  #SellWell – Go tell your own story! 🙂


Thrive Thursday – Don’t shut down, advertise up!

#ThriveThursday – Don’t shut down, advertise up! There is SOOOO much business out there to be had it’s not even funny.  It seems to me that the real numbers don’t lie.  While exec’s are looking at what they think is the total “volume” of application numbers, they don’t look at the numbers of population.  More and more people turn 18 every day.  That’s the legal age to sign a contract.  There’s more people in our population eligible to buy a home than ever before.  Yet, companies are shutting their doors or stopping operations, I would assume because it’s not profitable??  hmmm.

To bad to hear about US Bank exiting wholesale, I hear they were a go-to lender for big loans too.  (Jumbo program was nice I hear)  I don’t know much about them, other than reflecting 24 hours after their announcement, I wish I knew some exec’s there.  I wish I could’ve helped their wholesale stay in business.  Funny to say out loud, but in many ways I know I can be a difference maker at any company I am at.  In reality, you should too.  Have that confidence, and ADVERTISE UP! No joke, there’s clients of mine that have doubled their business in the last two months with my BLUEPRINT to help them advertise on social media.


It doesn’t matter if you do advertising organically or you use paid advertising.  The goal is to get your messages out there! This is marketing 101.  I don’t know about you, but if I owned a big mortgage company already running, I wouldn’t want to shut down a segment or operations part, I would look to make it profitable.  There is so much business out there to be had, it’s not even funny.  And no one person or company dominates the market in any one area.  Personally, I am here to help you!  Do not give up, reach out to me.  I will teach you how to set up a business page, and then hold your hand and teach you the tricks to push and pull your messages FREE on Facebook.  That way you will have a shoot at gaining FREE leads.  Which can be a stepping stone to help you increase your referral network, and eventually get into paid ads if you wanted.  No doubt about it, this stuff works like a charm.  If your not onto social selling yet, you are absolutely missing the boat.  Here is the link to start your training and BLUEPRINT class with me personally to hold your hand and show you how to do this.  Your not alone – CLICK HERE

On a personal note, I could help a wholesale lender increase their market share by teaching the TPO partners how to advertise on social media.  By helping someone step up their social selling game you will gain business!  Hands over fist.  I could do that to a retail group and help the LO’s increase their business as well.  Heck I might just get a license hang my hat and kill it myself.  My goal in 2018 is to help some company that wants to grow leaps and bounds.  INTERESTED?  Reach out to me.  – Let’s chat! Let’s build a company together, don’t shut down, ADVERTISE UP!!  #SELLWELL

Thankful Thursday – No video, straight check-up time!

#ThankfulThursday – No video sorry! LOL.. I like switching it up from time to time.  You know this is how you gain exposure as well.  Today is social media Thursday.  My buddy whom owns a brokerage does the best out there for his LO’s.  I see nothing like it from anyone else.  He actually has a group for his LO’s and he posts tools and resources to help that team.  He is a great broker in Michigan that I have in my network.

I am thankful to have partners that help other people with the same passion I do for others building their business.  I am thankful for my existing partners and sometimes wish more were “action takers”.  But there’s a rhyme and reason to everyone’s beat.  Some just have more GRIT than others.  If you have GRIT, you have to consistently be pushing yourself.  You ask how can I, not why should it.  You attempt to get out of your comfort zone and help yourself grow daily.  GRIT is the secret ingredient to the successful.  No doubt about it.  There are studies now on students that display the most GRIT seem to get the furthest out of life.

I am extremely thankful for all my experiences, the companies I’ve worked for and the surroundings I have enclosed myself with.  It is through these, that my drive for satisfaction really probably won’t ever be 100% complete.  I will always want more.  It is my Dad that helped me develop my work ethic and dedication to take a consultative approach to continuous improvement.  It’s my mother that I get my true passion for helping others from.  🙂

My point today is to help you expand your why, your level of GRIT and your want to achieve more.  That need for achievement drives me big time.  And I am only beginning.  Today I encourage you to try this, post a version of this on your own business page or wall on social media;  Social Media Thursday post;  ♥ it.

Copy Paste Post – Reword if needed;

You know, I talk to people all the time about Real Estate, buying a new home, fixing their credit or acquiring investment properties.  ONE thing that really bothers me is when people are clearly not in the right mortgage to help them get to their financial goals.

You see a mortgage is a wealth vehicle. It’s actually an investment vehicle to help you achieve your financial goals.  Assuming your in the right one, it can compliment and be custom tailored to help you reach your life’s goals.  Weather that’s to take money and invest in a business, or send your kids to college.  Or even pay for your daughters wedding.

Right now, is a perfect time to get a mortgage check-up to see how you are leveraging your wealth vehicle and equity to help you achieve your life’s goals.  Everyone is different.  And just like a doctor recommends you getting yearly check ups, I suggest the same for your credit, mortgage and equity situation.  It’s a perfect time to see how you could lower your overall debt situation perhaps, or just plan for the unexpected.

I have set some time aside over the next week with holiday’s fast approaching to help others at least look into it.  FREE, and of course you get my expertise to advise if there’s a way to help you generate more wealth in 2018.  It takes less than 15 minutes and I invite you to reach out to me personally.  You don’t even need to like this post, just message me privately if needed.

Just like a doctor my role is to make sure everything is in working order!  Reach out to me, it may just be the best thing you did in a long time! 🙂

Signed the #kickbuttLO that you are!

Post this and grow.  Or a version of your own.  No matter what, My GRIT to help is deep and would welcome each and everyone of you the ability to work with me as well.  I am always looking for ACTION TAKERS whom want a great rep to help them grow their business.  #FillinBELOW ↓



Thanks for the order!  You have landed here because you sell something or own a business and want to know how to increase your exposure and gain leads on your own Facebook Fan Page!  I am going to detail just exactly how to do this.

It all starts with your personal profile.  First off, I assume you have a FAN PAGE!  So let me ask you if you go to your profile is that the “first place” Facebook says you work?  If not change it so it is!  The first part of making this happen is dressing up your fan page as I call it.

Here’s the place to start, first and foremost, you need to make sure the right logo’s are on the fan page, website, phone number, a call to action button (you can change what it does later), and perhaps some sign of what you do on it!  If people go to your page is it clear to them what you do?

Second, go to the “home button” you see at the top of your profile (desktop).  On the left there is a list of shortcuts.  Underneath that is a section that says EXPLORE!  Look at two distinctive areas.  PAGES and GROUPS!  Whom ever’s personal profile is connected as admin to that Fan Page you wish to grow, that person must do a few things in these areas.  I will detail what next.

PAGES – Spend time looking at your business strategically.  Seriously, many sales people have a need or want for referrals from specific “types” of partners.  Those partners aren’t just people, they are business, or they have business.  My suggestion is to look at all the pages you are currently connected too and categorize them.  You may have fan pages that are doctors, lawyers, CPA’s, real estate agents, technology companies, local shops, etc.  The point is to write them down on a list, especially if that business partner could be a referral lead source.   Make note of them, categorize them to utilize later.  If your partnered with 20 Real Estate Agents, write all their page names down.  It will become handy to have a cheat sheet later when you create marketing campaigns.   Second thing to do with pages! – Find other people that may have active pages in your area/market that could potentially be referral partners and start liking their pages.

Real life example, some of the mortgage broker’s I have helped had a lot of RE Agents but not many financial advisors, CPA’s or Divorce Attorneys that they networked with.  By going through this exercise they liked several pages that later turned into gold mine referral partners for them!  My suggestion, think outside the box.  Each industry may have different types of main “pillar partners” but the common denominator is to use that page as a gateway to get “in” with them.  It’s easy once you’ve liked an active page, to engaged with that active page, and then to reach out and introduce yourself to that referral partner business.   You can even find out whom the owner may be, or office staff to help you get past GATEKEEPERS!  Go figure right!  🙂 BIG SUGGESTION here, later when I show you the “why” on doing all this set up, it is also strategically a good idea to be able to personally be friends with whom even “owns” that page. (or an employee of that page)

Now that you’ve #step 1, dressed up your page, step #2, networked with PAGES and JOINED GROUPS that down the road could give you referrals, how do you gain their attention and gain leads already?  Ok, that’s simple, the purpose of having pages you’ve liked that are referral partners is to later on, PUSH your message to all their audience.  The same concept with Let me explain how..

This is the first of the very important sequence of types of posts that have the most impact on a fan page.  It’s called a PILLAR PARTNER POST!  Let me paint a picture.  A Loan officer whom was networked with a builder, liked that page the builder had.  They also saw an engaging post from their audience.  Say a picture was on it too.  You could go to that post a week later, and share it onto your fan page.  My suggestion is to “tag the owner” as well, (remember it’s important to be personal friends with that individual or employee of that page) but you prop that pages’ success out, you mention how you can endorse or recommend them.  It’s that simple.  By doing that to the relative post, everyone that has already commented or liked it also will see your Fan page post.  Free EXPOSURE>!  Also, if you tag the owner in the business on the post, you gain exposure to all their friends as well!  Again Employees as well.

Here’s the high level of this all.  With a fan page some people know this, some do not…..


It’s called scheduling.  When I go over “making the campaign” you will see me reference this again.  But the short of it is to click the small “down triangle” next to publish.  Go ahead, try it.  Write a post on your fan page, then you will see instead of publish, click the down arrow.  You will be given a couple of options.  1.  To schedule.  Which I recommend to use to create these campaigns.  That way you have a strategy to almost every post.  Second, it allows you to “back post” which makes it seem like a fan page has been around a while, when it can be “brand new”!

Now on to GROUPS!  These have a rhyme and a reason too.  And I suggest that you visit the groups that you are in and write them down to again categorize them for later “campaign use”.   The purpose of EXPLORING (remember under home, and EXPLORE section on the left) groups is to target where your audience could potentially be.  Because later on you will find relevant articles & add value to that type of group, post it on your fan page and then SHARE IT onto the groups relevant to that subject matter.  Re-read that last sentence.  Highlight in your mind, relevant value to that subject matter group your in.  This is key to getting your post seen.  And NOT being viewed as spam.  In some groups that admin may have settings that the post is needed to be approved.  So the goal here will be to post something you care about, know about or can endorse, it doesn’t need to be “your industry related”.

What I suggest that works well.  Follow your passions!  If you like boats, or cars or motorcycles and you’re in those groups, you can find a way to add value to that group relevancy and promote your fan page subtly.  So, think again outside the box.  For example, those in mortgages, need to look up garage sale groups in the county they are in.  (ex, Orange County Garage Sale Groups).  As you look these up for the local areas or areas you serve, join them, post, comment and like other peoples posts.  Make a presence in the group a week or so before you “drop an ad”…or “article per say”.

Now that you have dressed up your Fan page, made sure you have connections to pillar partners and like their pages, researched groups and joined any relevant to your industry (or passions).  What’s next??

With Fan Page posts there is a SEO component that you would want to take into consideration.  Such as any relevancy to what you do.  #LowestRatesinOrangeCounty #BestmortgageBrokerinTX  These are just examples, however #Hashtag’s go a long way.  And serve as search engine optimization queue words when used on a consistent basis.  So make one up that can service for you.  You will use it on several posts over time to create a SEO relevancy.  I suggest that you have three or four hashtags that you use over time.  Rotating between posts when you use them.  Use them to spruce up your marketing and add a touch of flavor for example.  If you post about a “cause” for example, the hashtag you use could be relevant to the post.  #DonateforHarvey Just a recent example, but this you will find as a strategy later on.  Bottom line, no post should exist without a hashtag that brands you in some way.  And there is no such thing as too many.  lol.  Well maybe there is, but the point is you can have more than one hashtag on a post.

So, you taking notes yet?  Step 1, dress page, step 2, networked with Pages and Groups, step 3, find owners or employees to tag for each fan page you are going to do a campaign with.  (friend them) Step 4, think of a few clever hashtags to start using on all your posts.  Key here is to write them down and utilize them over and over.  That’s what creates that SEO component.  So when other’s search on Facebook for any of those hashtags your post and exposure grows.

Ok, you have a foundation now!  This is awesome.  There’s one more thing I would suggest you do.  Before you get EXPOSED to the types of posts to “schedule” and the Rhyme and Reason behind it, you could stock up on a few PICTURES to make it easier.  What I mean is the 5 MAIN FB POSTS to help drive ORGANIC LEADS TO YOU, will require a few of them.  🙂  If not every post as well.  Not every post needs a picture, but I am going to start with the number easiest way to schedule posts on a fan page.  READY?

EDIT***Add, after 2 months and over two dozen purchases to the Blueprint now, some of you are continuing some of you are not.  Those that get it, did the exercises mentioned above.  I recommend you grab a blank page out of the printer and write 5 hashtags to refer to later at the top left.  On the front side middle, write “Pages” at the top, and on the backside middle write, “Groups”.  Now think strategically and start listing the pages you want to “create campaigns with”! This is YOUR BLUEPRINT.  To do the below sequence of posts in the most effective way, make sure you DO THE WORK! Create your own #BLUEPRINT that will help guide you to push and pull your page on Facebook, with clear concise intent.


  1.  POSITIVE POST – This is what it sounds like ladies and gents.  Go look at my fan page again.  The Mortgage JUICEman.  All the posts I have on my page are designed to help the mortgage broker’s take a positive saying, and persuasive quote or a PMA (positive mental attitude) type “meme” and create a positive “INTERACTION” between your fans.  People begin to interact.  Like, comment or share what you post.  When this happens you gain more relevancy on facebook’s algorithms.  That is part of the key to this.  (WHIP EFFECT)
  2. POST SHARE – This is where the GROUPS come into play.  Most all of my exposure and growth has been natural and organic on my page.  How I did it was through a blog posts share, or a Positive Post share, or a relevant added value topic to that group.  I would drop guidelines, and tips and tricks etc. for mortgage brokers’ to generate and complete more loans.   And I was in all the mortgage groups I could find.  If you took the exercise seriously above, this is where having a cheat sheet comes in handy.  Painting a picture for you, a broker was in 14 boat groups, because he loved boating.  And seeing his “categories of groups” he was in, he found an article on boat financing.  He posted one sentence in sharing the article on his MORTGAGE BROKER FAN PAGE.  It read, Awesome article on boat financing if you need a home financed call me.  #notspamIpromise #Readthearticle #AwesomeSantaFeBroker Then the article followed.  He scheduled it to show up on a Tuesday at noon.  When Tuesday came around he saw the notification at lunch with a RE Agent.  He just hit the share button and shared it with like 10 groups he found in his listing “boat” when he was searching groups to share it in.  Took him just under 7 minutes he told me.   Later on that night he went back to his list and found out he missed sharing to another 4 or so groups.  He did this “after getting 3 private messages” inquiring about a loan.  Needless to say the broker was shocked.  He then shared a Positive Mental Attitude quote in the same groups the next day.  By the end of the week, people in the group where messaging him for questions about loans or all types..  And he gained two things group relevancy (he commented enough engaged enough and posted enough in the groups to be viewed a valuable contributor so to speak)  He now regularly drops info about boats into these groups.  All the while the same hashtag is now used.  By repeating these steps in segments of campaigning with the types of groups he is in.  He finds articles to share in the relevant groups he is in.  Strategically he posts and hashtags or “subtly” advertises his business.  Car groups, bike groups, travel groups, garage sale groups, motorcycle groups, gardening groups, you name it groups.  There are ton’s of them out there.  Make a post about relevant info to that group making it considered value to those that share similar interests.  That simple.  You post this ON YOUR PAGE.  Then AFTER the post is scheduled to show up, SHARE IT INTO THE RELEVANT GROUPS.  This is how ORGANIC EXPOSURE IS PULLED onto your page!
  3. PILLAR PARTNER POST – This is where the fun starts.  This is possibly the MOST POWERFUL WAY to grow exposure right out the gate.  Especially when your new to posting on a consistent bases.  Later on I will go into a schedule of all these types of posts.  However, the Pillar Partner Post is related to the PAGES you’ve like upfront that could potentially be a PAGE that you share onto your PAGE.  Tagging the owner in the message of course 🙂 and then propping them out! Concept is that simple.  To do this effectively you should hopefully have taken the advice in the beginning in set up stages I mentioned and wrote down the names of the people you have PAGES with and CATEGORIZED them as well.  You see, all this started with my back story, and how a mortgage Broker needs to network with various pillar partners from RE Agents, to Insurance Agents, to Lawyers, Divorce Attorneys, CPA’s, Financial Advisors etc.  I would teach them to create an excel spreadsheet and categorize them.  That way they could use it as a follow up tool per say in networking.  Here’s a real life example, a mortgage broker was “friends” with a builder owner.  He had a fan page, and when the broker went through his list of builder partners, he found one had a page.  The idea here is to look up those PAGES that you’ve done business with or could be relevant referral partners, like their pages and connect with an employee of the page or owner of the page.  Go back through those pages every so often and find a post that was engaging, that had likes, comments, post shares etc.  Go like that post, and Share it on your page as well.  By doing so that page’s fan’s and the people whom engaged in that post have a chance to see your page in their news feed.  Also a great idea to tag multiple employees of that page and find PAGES (referral partners) that have more interaction.  Back to the story, the mortgage Broker found a post that was engaging, he commented and like that post.  It was a picture of a builder doing a “ground breaking” picture for a new neighborhood build.  Complete with hard hats and big scissors cutting the ribbin between the sign to the neighborhood.  The builder had all his main employee’s in the picture and that post had some 30 likes and 10 comments.  HERE’S A TRICK, YOU CAN’T SCHEDULE THESE POSTS!  They have to be shared instantly.  So, in planning a campaign for the week the Broker saw this post and made a mental note and plan to reach out to the Builder whom he was connected to.  That next Monday he randomly called that builder and messaged them on FB messanger.  The owner replied and they talked.  He loved that the mortgage Broker was willing to ask permission to share his post onto their fan page, and the builder was very open to a new referral partner.  The Broker just asked the owner to like the post and to feel free to comment their website on the post the next day.  In the next 24 hours before the post, the builder mentioned it to his workers and a few of the employees asked the Broker to be “friends on Facebook as well”.  By “SYNDICATION” means and planned marketing that builder was excited to see another person advertising their page!  Tuesday hit and the post was shared by the mortgage Broker and it looked like this;  HEY BERKLEY COUNTY, if your looking to BUILD your DREAM HOME!  BOB SMITH (tagging the owner) and the ABC Construction group (tagging the page) is the place to call!  #Icangetyouqualified #Hebuildsthehome #Idotheloan  #Reachoutandletushelp  The picture and post from that fan page was then underneath the hashtags.  The mortgage broker even “tagged” the new friends he had made in the last 24 hours whom where 3 of the additional workers at the construction company.  HIS POST WENT VIRAL>  He got like 21 leads in three days.  This is the trick to PUSHING AND PULLING people onto your page by promoting someone else.  (A pillar partner of course!)
  4. PEOPLE POST – This is a great way to help engage with your page and “real life”.  Other people love to see you have a pulse.  Your not just a promoter!  I could call these “culture posts” as well.  This is the type of post where you show your progression in the office.  The new hire’s you mention and welcome aboard.  Tag them in that post.  The culture in the office, the picture of the latest closing, the birthday celebration, the transition into the “new office”.  Anything that has to do with your business really.  The inside, the day to day that can be a way to boost others, congratulate someone, give recognition, or promote your internal values.  These mean a great deal to those that “follow a page” and will help you grow your WHIP EFFECT through out a campaign.  I would also consider any and all reviews you can get from customers as a “PEOPLE POST” that you can schedule to promote.
  5. PERSUASIVE POST – This is the post I would call the biggest pitfall of fan pages.  Most fan pages have no consistency, and no other “type of post” that helps them build interest and followers.  It’s nothing but “i’m the best, buy my stuff”.  Seriously if you look back at your Fan page right now, is there more posts that say we offer the lowest rates or we are the best at X?  Most have too many of These types.  For every 2 other types of posts mentioned you could have 1 Persuasive post.  Suggesting to sign up, buy your stuff etc.  Simple as that really.  This is the funnel post, this is the sign up now post, the one with the link to the landing page that gathers contact info (leads right!).  These posts are great to use a promoting hashtag on, #BestOrangeCountyMortgageRates or some picture that promotes your business, your new incentive, discount or value added.  Again it’s the “Persuasive Post” so be creative and have fun.  I advise that you custom tailor the times to coincide a few hours “after” another post from that given day.  So if you do a “PEOPLE POST” at 2pm, schedule the “PERSUASIVE POST” at 5pm or 7pm.  I again suggest for every 2 of the other types of posts on a fan page that you throw in a “PERSUASIVE POST” that promotes your business.

I hope you all are liking the value add in this and I in reading this again myself am excited to see some create action behind it.  I will plant the seeds on how I do this scheduling and give you an idea of how easy it can be.  After over two years of focusing on helping other Broker’s pages gain exposure by managing their pages I created a schedule that I would stick to and it always worked wonders.  It was a combination of all these types of posts.  Typically on Sunday’s when planning for the week’s posts I would spend 2 hours programming like 10 different pages.  I doubt you have that many.  What will happen is if you do the work suggested to prep for this, sitting down and executing a plan every week for your Fan Page is VERY VERY EFFECTIVE in driving organic leads and business partners to you.  Here’s how I outlined it.  Some form of this could work for any type of business doing these posts.

Monday thru “end of week” Schedule;

Monday – Positive Post in am; People Post in afternoon, Persuasive Post in early evening.

Tuesday – Positive Post in am; Pillar Partner Post in afternoon, Persuasive Post in evening.

Wednesday – Positive Post in am; Post Share in afternoon, People Post in early evening, Persuasive Post later at night.  (right before 10:30 pm)

Thursday – Positive Post in am; Pillar Partner Post in afternoon (different category than on Tuesday, so if Tuesday you did a RE Agent, you do another Partner category like a CPA/Financial Advisor etc.), and then a Persuasive Post in the early evening

Friday – Positive Post in the am; People Post in the afternoon, Post Share before end of business on Friday.

Saturday – Positive Post, People Post or Persuasive Post and could be random during the day.

Here’s a visual of the calendar that could help.  If you do these daily with intent you can start to “SEGMENT” as well.  That is when your marketing really can be effective. For example, all posts have a VA theme for a week.  All Pillar partners you share on your fan page add a VA benefit for example.  All the shares of articles or videos you share from your fan page into various VA groups.  You have to continuously add yourself to groups and be on the look out for ways to “segment”!


Reminder, you need to tag the business owner of the page or employees on Pillar Partner Posts, and you need to have a plan to share your Post Share type into as many relevant groups that the article or share could bring to.  So you have to have a plan of attack.  What I always suggested is to give yourself a business day to get a hold of the pillar partner that you will be sharing their info onto your page with.  Let them know, reach out to the page with a message for example.  Then ask for SYNDICATION in that if  your promoting someone else that they like the post and comment their website.  That way they are signaling the acceptance and appreciation of the endorsement you are doing.  While that do that, they are also “scratching your back” because they make your post on your fan page seen more.  I would then after two days go by of promoting that PILLAR PARTNER I would call them and ask for a referral.  It keeps you fresh on their minds and they remember what you just did for them.  Strategically this is a great mastermind way to go through your list of Pillar Partners and one by one prop them out, give them endorsements and recommendations.  All the while they are liking (employees too) and engaging with your post.  That their friends have the potential now to see.  By doing the easy one first in the day and programming a PMA quote of some sort it starts the foundation to the WHIP EFFECT.  Then in the afternoon when you promote others, and tag them, and or share something in groups, it creates more PUSH and PULL onto your page.  Then at the end of the day, the momentum that those other posts created help your PERSUASIVE POST that suggests people sign up with you.  🙂

This all should and can take maybe 10 minutes to 2 hours for any person that does it right.  Plan it out, find your pillar partners to share something with, plan a follow up and then do it on the day you plan it.  Then on the days you do a POST SHARE all you have to do is spend 4 minutes or less sharing that post from your page in groups.  (again relevant to that subject matter)  If you do this for a month, programming and planning your posts weekly, you are more than likely going to double your PAGE LIKES, and triple your current engagement level.  Over time you will hit leads organically doing this.  Just make it easy in how you “dress up” your page for others to see what you do, and sign up for your service.  (ie reach out to you, or take an order).

A couple of bonus pointers;  If I was “just starting” my marketing campaigns I would look to make all the posts for a week center around a theme or campaign that I create.  For example, if the Mortgage Broker lived near a few military bases, I would suggest once a month dedicate a week long “campaign” that focuses on VA loans for those in the local area.  From the POSITIVE POST (military related) to the PILLAR PARTNER POST (maybe they help vets in the area too and they did a picture you can share) to the POST SHARE (relevant news to those in the military, shared to military groups on FB in the local UAW HALL #435) Schedule your plan of attacks and marketing campaigns to coincide with each other.  Then it helps your overall message.  Second big tip, the POSITIVE POSTS are the best one’s to start, it could be a “word of the day” or a “saying of the day” or it could be a quote from Tony Robbins you like.  Remember I told you in set up stages to go find a bunch of pictures to reference later.  If you already have them saved, it could take you less than 5 minutes to program 5 posts for the am everyday of the week.  Some days you could have 1 post, some days 5.  But rotate the type of post.  I suggest you use post engagement to help you with the WHIP EFFECT and I suggest you ask others blatantly to like posts that either support what they believe in, or perhaps promote them.  Just like it’s not a bad idea to back through your past clients and ask for referrals and or ENDORSEMENTS and REVIEWS it is also ok to ask a partner or employee for example to like and engage in the posts for a week.  That’s called SYNDICATION and the more you use it, the more exposure it will bring you.  Last major tip, make sure you make new HASHTAGS and use OLD ONES all the time.  Just about every post should have HASHTAG.  And if your PILLAR PARTNER has a hashtag they use often, that is a great idea to use it in your PILLAR PARTNER POST!

There you have it, the BLUEPRINT to successful Fan Page Marketing Campaigns.  Now it’s up to you to implement these types of posts and complete the activities that associate with them.  If you want to have more PAID action and RUN A FUNNEL that can capture leads.  After you implement a campaign like this for a month on your fan page, and are over 100 likes, your page will do decent in running ads.  Especially if you post a PERSUASIVE POST that is a funnel that later on you promote.  If you run an organic campaign that takes you less than 1 hour a week, and then couple it with running a funnel, the best idea is to ask those PILLAR PARTNERS to SYNDICATE with that funnel/PERSUASIVE POST first.  Make the post, get some likes and comments and then a day or two later go back and “boost that post”.   That is called social stacking.  And the more you prep your page with organic reach, the more successful a paid boosted ad can be.  The cost per click goes down and the click through ratio will increase.  (Especially if you share your PERSUASIVE POST FUNNEL with others) Tag them in, ask for likes from syndicate partners, and then share that post in relevant groups that your product/service adds value to.  (or solves a problem).

The biggest problems with fan pages I hope I’ve helped you overcome, from not getting any engagement, to not knowing how to grow your exposure naturally.  If you take the time to prep for PAGES and GROUPS in the beginning creating the post and the ideas for them will come easier to you.  #SellWell.

Feel free to give me feedback as well.  I can’t wait to see how others do!  Happy POSTING and GROWING your Fan Page to give you FREE LEADS!  If your interested in learning more on how to actually run the funnels after you have an active page for a month or so as I recommend, click the banner below.  As I said, I am not a funnel genius, I am a fan page guru and have grown organic leads for many different types of pages now.  The most successful paid campaigns have an organic PUSH element from the page owner they are utilizing (these posts) to get better numbers on their PULL marketing campaign. (Funnels).  Join Us In Creating Excitement (JUICE) and join the ENTOURAGE TODAY!

Learn to make easy lead capture pages to use in your campaigns here!






Nope! We keep using our own methods and have networked with the biggest funnel builders in town.  In fact these are the guys that endorse that hard core closer guy that I just mentioned above.  Yep RYAN STEWMAN!  He endorses this company of Funnel builders for all the sales industries.  Insurance, Car sales, Mortgages, Real Estate you name it.  So what’s that mean to you?

Well through this network I have access to the team that can custom tailor done for you solutions for you for Facebook ads.  Not the cheap stuff.  Totally opposite.  I’m talking full on Robots to autoresponder’s that stalk your prospects in a way it makes them sign up with you.  LOL>  Yep the real deal.  In fact, it’s such a real deal you get a free CRM, a Funnel, a community page, a six month email drip campaign and then management of that funnel to help optimize the number of leads you get.

So I help you learn to have FREE leads from your Fan page, and turn that into investment in your own business.  And Facebook turns on LEADS like a faucet! You better be ready, this is no joke, you will have more to call than you can handle typically as a one man band.  I hope you have a team, or want to turn it up and level up with advertising cause now you know how.  The resources are all in front of you.

I am here to help provide solutions from one funnel, to a combination of 5 funnels.  However, no matter what I value you, and your business, and just paying for ads without even knowing how to organically create leads thru the blueprint is just wrong I believe.  In fact I know, that when you have a paid campaign running beside a organic push/pull campaign you can leverage that message to go further.  Reach more, and engage better.  The cost per click goes down, and the conversion ratio goes up.  So I believe in any that have paid ads should also know how to incorporate organic leads as well.

CLICK BELOW for the solution consultation on how we can custom tailor a done for you Funnel leads program. ↓↓ #SellWell








Motivational Monday – 5 things to kick start the week.

I had a great time with my parents and family this weekend as I had visitors from out of town.  I was able to use the help to make a vision come to life.  I had in the previous few months been plotting out making a patio in my backyard.  I first visualized it, I then wrote it down, and then made it happen by taking action.  In sales of any kind, there are 5 things that come to my mind as a result of completing this vision that I had.

  1.  Don’t let set back’s control you.  – In sales and in life.  Keep pushing forward.  Monday the day to come full throttle. 🙂
  2.  Never be intimidated at the “job” at hand.  In your career, or in life, we all come across potential cross roads that can be intimidating.  Never let that stop you.  Keep pushing forward.
  3.  Stay committed to your goals, your vision and your career.  In sales again, there are ups and downs, the more committed you are to obtaining your goals, the more likely they are to happen.  It’s funny the more you stay committed the more small things happen to help you reach your end goals.
  4.  Tap into motivational resources, or any resources that can help you in your career.  I look up video’s all the time.
  5.  If it’s ment to be, it’s up to me!  Take ownership in your sales.  And it’s amazing what happens.

Happy Monday!  #SellWell

Here’s the video that goes with this;