Two for Tuesday – JUICY List Week – Lead Trap Day!

#TwoforTuesday – #JUICYList Week – Lead Traps!! Today’s the lead trap day, and announcement of the “special” I have for those that want a done 4 you solution! In the mortgage and RE industries the sales are made by gaining a prospect from a referral or from a lead trap made by that salesman! (or Sales Woman for that matter!) 🙂  Some LO’s have figured out that they do NOT want to learn this and just want to take more 1003’s and be on the phone selling and networking more.  So they hire an ad “agency” for the complete ad system to gain leads, grow their list to market too and have some follow up created.

Today I go over the software that for those that DO want to learn how to do marketing on their own, can use these lead trap software to do just that.  Gain Names, Phone Numbers and Emails all day long.  ↓

The first one I go over today is #LeadPops! LeadPops does exactly what it says, it pops open and creates lead traps in an instant, with done for you copy and templates.  It’s designed to allow you to drag and drop your logo and NMLS and be done.  The second one I go over today is by far my favorite due to the ease of use.  I’m a lefty creative, so naturally I like “making” things, and you can make funnels in less than 5 minutes on #Phonesites!  Phonesites is fantastic for someone who understands ad copy and creating an offer.  Whereas you don’t need to be a techie or understand code to use it.  Just upload pictures (right from your phone) create your ad copy and offer, tell it where to redirect, and your done!

This week I have several really cool “offers” for my followers and those that want to JUICE their own pipeline.  In talking about #LeadTraps today, many have figured out that it’s a giant puzzle connecting CRM’s, Zapier, Ad software, Follow up scripts (emails) and other things into a properly built lead trap.  And many decide to “let a pro” do it.  This week we have an offer from a funnel builder that includes the set up of all ads for less than half of what it typically costs in the market.  To get all this done 4 you solution out there, many are charging 1500-5000 for the same set up.  And do not have long form leads.  This is a funnel built for you that does everything from collect the lead to follow up, and is only 500-750 to do, 300 monthly, and what ever your ad spend is.  (there’s always three components, initial build of the funnel cost, a monthly reoccurring maintenance fee for the funnel to collect names, and an ad spend given to Facebook on most “done4you” solutions)  There’s a range for build out only due to what options you wish to have.  This week only we have the ability to turn on a lead switch for any LO for less than half what the typical costs is.  Shoot me an email here for that!

It doesn’t matter if you choose to do lead gen yourself or hire someone else to do it.  Somewhere in the process is the use of these software and components.  My suggestion is to have a mix of things going on.  Lead traps are list growers, how many do you have running?

As Always –


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