Tag Archives: Mortgage Brokers


The second step in sales besides knowing how to vision the yes through belief is to handle the ask for more information.  This is often called objections in the sales world.  It’s really the prospect asking for more information.  View it that way.  The best TRICK with any objection is to stop and rephrase the “objection” as a question in your head and then answer it.

There are THREE (3) main reasons why someone objects to something.  1; To DEFEND themselves.  2; It’s a VALID EXPRESSION of where they are in life. 3; They are FEARFUL. Yes, they could be that broke.  Yes, they could be having a bad day and your timing is off selling them whatever, or it is fear and they may not see the value your adding.

Remember people buy from people they like.  So stand up if you sell over the phone, MOTION CREATES EMOTION.  Too many times I’ve done a sales seminar or free strategy sessions with Brokers and Mortgage telemarketers and they don’t have any type of persona while on the phone… they sound like plain Jane.  WHAT?  Your in the telemarketing sales and you don’t have a PHONE CHARACTER that you develop while on the phone? How do you get people to like you with such a silent “charm”?  Create that energy, create that phone voice that is fun to work with and others will be receptive.  Smile as you do it, even if it’s over the phone, it’s amazing how others can “see” it.  And respond to objections with energy and with enthusiasm.

ENTHUSIASM is the key to persuasion without pressure.  Minimize your objection time and work the head not the wallet.  Do this by selling value to the client first, ask questions to uncover their wants and then fulfill them with your product or service.  99% of the time a sale is made, either they buy from you or you bought why they can’t.  That’s why the best of the best sales people tell lots of stories.  FACT TELL< STORIES SELL.  Paint a picture with your client while answering their questions and presenting value.  Assume the sale, paint the picture of better credit and less monthly payments, paint the picture of the new house with a red door and blue shutters.  The use of painted pictures in sales should help describe in more detail your products/services and values or your clients using them.

One of the best “canned objection” responses is that of FEEL, FELT, FOUND.  This technique can uncover the real objection fast (if there is one) and help you be a natural at adding value, answering their need for more info and paint a picture to aid the sale.  Telling the client you understand how they FEEL, it helps them see you are not emotionless.  Telling the client you’ve FELT that same way, or add familiarity in some way.  Then tell a story of how you FOUND a solution to X Y OR Z as their concern that will help you portray the added value in your pitch.

Happy selling this afternoon, I’m posting a bunch of “canned responses” to various mortgage objections all day on the face book group, THE MORTGAGE JUICEMAN GROUP


Believe in Better

Lesson One; Believe.

Your imagination along with positive thoughts can quite often produce the right reality to match your wildest dreams.  MILLIONAIRES Believe, have faith, constantly tell themselves in thoughts and deep within their heart with positive repetition that they can do something.  Thoughts negative or positive grow stronger with repetition.  Many of the things that I have started on my dream space collage that I made as a kid.  Everything I have started as a dream or thought.  Now today in professional sales I do this all the time.

My LEGACY; I am the possibility of people living the life they desire, through positive thinking, dreaming big, having blind faith and in the pursuit of sharing success with others.  MY GOAL IS TO SHARE HOW TO’s that are NOT TAUGHT in grade school or college classrooms.

I am a master a sales, and want to help others in sales take concepts, skills, and actions and bring them to life.  The first thing to remember about this is how to channel positive energy and thoughts and bring them to life.  Lesson One; If you think positive, positive things will happen to you.  If you think negative, negative things will happen.  If you constantly envision a positive plan to better yourself and write down your goals, you will get there.  Have faith in believe in the end before you get there.

I have heard a thousand times, these leads are terrible.  So picture the prospect picking up the phone so you can see they are a potential customer.  THIS IS NUMBER 1.  I can’t tell you how many times I smiled and dialed some mortgage lead that was saturated by other telemarketers for months, but envisioned the YES before the call, and guess what happened, I wrote that mortgage.  Have faith, and belief in your goal, this is step one in sales, tell yourself that client will pick up and you will have a great conversation before you even dial.  Envision it.  Believe.  It will help your goals and dreams come alive.

AFTERNOON JUICE ON A MONDAY / Motive – Where we believe in Better. – Juiceman


Whom am I you ask?  I am the mortgage JUICEMAN.  I have a big foot print in sales of all types.  Specifically mortgage origination.  I once wrote 47 mortgage loans in one month.  The first car I ever sold was a Plymouth Prowler (great story if you ever want to know how I entered the world of sales), and I have grown many different teams of sales people.  I have developed training for Loan officers and help mortgage companies double in size.

What do I do best?  I help Loan Officers grow their business.  I consistently give out major JUICE to help with handling objections, to options to pitch a client.  I help Loan Officers put together loans, take a full 1003 asking the best questions, and gain approvals through automated underwriting systems like DU or LP.  Now more than ever before especially with this main stream media you are reading, I brand and teach other’s how to do the same thing.  I help custom tailor business plans for Mortgage companies across the US all the time.  In my position I’ve heard not only all the objections to doing a mortgage but see and hear all the PROBLEMS with loans.  What I do is share and provide solutions and help everyone succeed. Then my MOTIVE-ATING team of underwriters helps me close the loans of the partners I have all across the US.

Why should you work with me?  I AM FOR HIRE.  For any Mortgage company with engaging Loan Officers that want close more loans and know how they can drum up more business two ways.  1. The organic way.  The way of referrals.  I can show examples and ways to drum up business by moving your two feet, or picking up the phone more effectively with targeted marketing campaigns.  Watch one of my video’s I put together on Friday for my infamous “weekend call to action”. for example.  2. I have ways on social media to even lead buys where you can spend money to make money with high ROI.  Weather it’s a social media funnel that directs the consumer right to you, or a lead buy service for live calls, I help mortgage LO’s grow their business.  Partner with my team and I, we will add more value to your company by being responsive, answering guideline questions and helping your team get paid on loans.

Partner with Motive Lending and THE MORTGAGE JUICEMAN, I  am a different kind of Account Executive.  I can even provide leads to brokers.  And do it all the time for those in my core groups.  What value does your AE give your Loan Officers?

-Call the JUICEMAN today for a free partnership for 12 months.  I will earn the right to stay in your lender arsenal.