Tag Archives: Real Estate

Monday’s Motivation – Power Move Monday!!

#MondaysMotivation – Power Move Monday!! – Might sound silly but this works, big time! Make a reminder for 2:30pm in your outlook calendar and gather your whole team together.  Then everyone do their power move on the count of 3! (what ever it might be).  It’s best to say something, and to do something at the same time that brings a smile and enhances your energy.  This works, it might sound silly, but try it once!

If you do it occasionally through out the day, it can get your blood flowing, and help you bring the energy when it counts! #DuringTheSale!  I’m doing mine right about the time I post my #RealEstateWV, and #BikesNRealEstate post on Instagram!  You need to plan either activities to switch it up through the day, or to enhance your mojo half way into the work day! Trust me #PowerMoves work, just when you need them.

On a side note today, love love ♥ the fact that LO’s, Agents and Consumers are searching the site for guidelines, if needed use the search bar at the top and search any key word!

As Always –


Weekend CALL to ACTION – Exit strategy marketing kit

Welcome kit, or maybe you call it your on-boarding package!  Every “good or service” has a delivery process, a closing if you will.  Some more meaningful than others.  Even local grocery stores now try to use “marketing” on receipts for example.  A dentist, gives you a small bag of goodies typcially on every visit.  What about a mortgage?  What about a car delivery?  Do you have a marketing kit that the client takes with them for example, a key fob or key ring with your logo?  Maybe a discount booklet that gives the new homeowner “discounts” for using them, such as a moving service, or a carpet cleaner, or housekeeping/maid service in the area?  Maybe you LO’s network with a grass cutting landscape business in the area and get the new resident a “free cut coupon”.  🙂  The possibilities are endless.  But what leave behind would make the most impact?  The one they look at everyday, the one on the refrigerator.  A magnet!  Put together a short or small marketing piece with your logo at the top, and then use it as a magnet to promote all the other services they may need, such as car wash, or a house cleaner, or insurance person, or landscaping to cable service.  You could easily network with other ‘sales’ entities in the relative area you serve and create something that makes them think of you for your professional service.  #WeekendCalltoAction #SellWell

This suggestion is real, the RE agent that made me the magnet from my first house is still on my refrigerator today.  And I don’t live in MI any longer.  lol

PS> You can use http://www.YourFreeAlarm.com as a service to your clients closing home loans!

Two for Tuesday – Spread the word on DUAL markets

I want to help stimulate the market by educating the consumers and businesses on the DUAL market opportunity that presents itself in times today.  This market has NOT been around for over 40 years, and if you are a homeowner, watch this video!  Seriously consider getting a “move up” analysis from your local mortgage broker!  I can help connect the dots, and if your looking for someone that can help you, let me know, I will refer you to the best mortgage Brokers across the US.  #SellWell – has a new meaning today 🙂

Weekend Call to Action – Find Pillars with pages!

Yep, find Pillar referral partners with fan pages on facebook.  Why?  Well I will show you next week in a webinar.  Don’t miss it next Thursday.  In the interim set yourself up for success.  Make sure you have an active fan page, and an active list of referral partners that have one too.  You want to be on social media now.  Like yesterday.  In a rising rate environment where inventory is scarce it’s imperative to stand out.  If you don’t understand the why, let me help you understand.  Organic reach, getting others not in your network to view your page is why.  It’s a way to generate leads!  And if your not on this band wagon yet, take the weekend and create a page for yourself.  #thetimeisnow


Weekend Call To Action – Diversify

Diversity is key in a referral business.  No matter what sales your in.  For you mortgage pro’s, now’s the time (especially in a rising rate environment) to diversify whom you work with to gain referrals.  The work done now to network can payoff in the summer.  Two main sources will be key, purchase referral sources and CASHOUT referral sources.  Check out the recommendations in the video.  #SellWell #ReferralWell #SalesJUICE

TGIF – Weekend Call to Action

The Grind Includes Friday, and the Weekend Call to Action.  This weekend is a great weekend to get involved in the community.  Go to the local municipalities and find out if there are any “meetings” coming up.  What ever it may be, you might be able to contribute value.  And of course network with those involved.  I challenge you to look it up and take action this weekend to join or attend (chamber of commerce) any meetings next week.

New or seasoned, if you do not do this and you sell something, get involved, and use this weekend to do some research on where.  My advice is to get involved in the local community to join programs that give-back.  Do something that also could help the industry your in, or give you a way to network with those in your industry.  Over time if your a LO for example you should have “several pillars” that you can gain business from.  For example, Realtors, divorce attorneys, CPA’s, builders, construction companies, handymen, insurance agents just to name a few.  The best way to do this is to refer others to those partners you would like to do the same for you.  When you “show up” with leads for them and look only to network, it’s only then a matter of time before someone is referred to you.  You have to be present and persistent.

By that I mean, you can’t just go once or twice and expect others to refer you business, you have to get involved.  Every metropolitan town has one of these, it’s a Real Estate Mastermind group or Business Networking Group.  Find them in your area and join them.  Ha that’s funny, Join Us In Creating Excitement.  (JUICE right).  Anyway, find one in your area.  Trust me if you go and actually engage and look to help other people in those groups, over time it could be the best “pillar” you’ve ever built.

There are a few out there.  The best is exactly what I’ve described.  A Local Business Networking “event” called LBN.  The group to follow as a recommendation is a group from Michigan I believe.  Keith Stonehouse, and Al Crawford, the LBN masterminds I see growing the local networking on social media and in the local areas of Michigan.  I know these groups and types like it are all around the Nation.  WEEKEND CALL TO ACTION> Find one online, write them an email, fill out a form, write down a number, do something to join and follow up on the next “event/meeting” in your area.  It will pay off in the long run.

PS… The concept and communities I speak of welcome and benefit from sales professionals of all fields out there.  All you need is a handful of referral partners in different B2B segments that can benefit from your product/service use.  Diversify your “portfolio” from whom you get referrals from and where you get them from.  Never put all your eggs in one basket! 🙂


  • The Mortgage Juiceman




Whacked Out Wednesday – Found, Felt, Feel..

Whacked Out Wednesday is back with some statistical ways to make the middle of the week have impact.  Here’s a hint, it starts with you!  Create ENERGY, EXCITEMENT, and EMOTIONS today.  Use Feel, Felt, Found the opposite way today!

Weekend Call To Action – What’s your ETA?

Effort Trumps All (ETA) and this Weekend’s Call to Action is about just that.  Your effort! What are you doing to go the extra mile during the weekend, or do you shut down at 4:30 on Friday.  TGIF – The Grind Includes Friday! #SellWell #SalesJUICE